Inside Baseball: How IT Transforms How Reporters Work

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) We get all kinds of interesting visitors here at our high-tech PR firm. Some of them, in fact, are journalists who have – on the surface – little to do with IT. But that would be a misimpression. Because if you’re a working reporter, the latest in […]

Why Twitter is a ‘Must Attend’ Party

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) With 250 million unique visitors a month, Twitter has emerged as the second largest social media site (Facebook is ranked #1, with 750 million unique visitors). Yet, when it comes to integrating Twitter into an organization’s marketing plan, there’s often resistance and even skepticism. “What are […]

How to Get the Most from Social Media

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Organizations are still struggling with social media: They realize it’s great for customer connectivity/response and brand recognition/loyalty. But they face difficulties in establishing effective policies and procedures that ensure that employees are sending the right messages out there. For evidence, look no further than the world […]

direct a video

How to Direct a Viral Video

The challenge: Produce a video for an American Airlines called “Flights.Camera.Action.” Dazzle the judges with creativity and comic genius. Oh, and do it within two weeks. The prize: 80 free roundtrip tickets. Wait. Was that “free” roundtrip tickets? Count us in. This is why I love coming to work every day. I work at a […]

How PR Pros Should Engage Reporters

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) In my early years of journalism, I once worked for an editor who wanted to get rid of every chair in the office. Why? Because, in doing so, he’d force his reporters to go out and conduct in-person interviews. He never actually removed the chairs. But […]

Five Minutes With … Lisa Dezzutti on Getting Fed IT Work

 (If you like this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) In this era of Tweets, webinars and hyper-mobility, would you believe that federal agency IT decision-makers can’t get enough of … print articles in industry pubs? And trade shows? Yep. While they also depend greatly upon online content, social media and other digital resources, they still […]

Five Minutes With … Shashi Bellamkonda on the Future of Social Media

   (If you like this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) Over the next three to five years, what will distinguish the companies that maximize value from blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and those that don’t? Much of this will boil down to the effectiveness of content curation and company ambassadorship, according to social-media expert Shashi Bellamkonda […]

How Social Media is Shrinking the Globe

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Thanks to technology, it really is a small world after all. “Small” as in über-connected. At first, ARPANET-based email developments and then Tim Berners-Lee’s hypertext breakthroughs made it possible to reach virtually any information or person with a machine and a mouse. Social media has further […]

Revealing the “New Realities of PR”

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Like so many marketing niches, the PR industry is transforming itself with new platforms and mediums. This allows practitioners to reach and deliver messages to target audiences like never before, taking advantage of integrated campaigns using traditional PR, social media, content development and thought leadership. So […]