Five Minutes With … Rufus Manning on SEO

(If you like this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) It’s not enough to simply produce good content marketing. There are literally billions of online searches conducted every day. If your company is producing well-packaged content yet remains behind the curve on search engine optimization (SEO), then it’s very likely to “get lost” out there amid a […]

How to Give Your Blog a Facelift

(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) For more than a year now, we’ve had a blast putting out the W2 Communications blog. Judging from the feedback we get from our readers – both on and offline – you’ve enjoyed it too. As a hi tech PR agency that’s constantly in the middle of […]

How to Master Social Media Conversations

(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) If you want to stay on top of social-media developments – especially with respect to how these sites can contribute value to your bottom line – then you need to dial into the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC). The NVTC’s highly active social-media committee recently hosted […]