A Postponed RSA – How to Pivot Your Communications Strategy

The RSA Conference for years served as one of the preeminent events for cybersecurity companies to showcase their latest innovations and improvements to a captive and educated audience. By now you know that for the second year in a row RSA is needing to alter its plans. This year’s event is moving from early February […]

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It’s Planning Time Again

In addition to the annual holiday craziness, December is the time when companies are developing their communications plans for the coming year. At our company, this process is already well under way. It’s no secret that big end-of-year plans can be sidelined by mid-January in favor of a breaking priority or immediate initiative. While there’s […]

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W2 Communications Wins 13 International MarCom Awards

Exciting news – W2 Communications won multiple 2018 International MarCom Awards! This is the second consecutive year the company received this recognition across multiple categories. These awards recognize our team’s excellence in marketing, design and communications — acknowledging the creativity, hard work and generosity of our employees. We are once again honored to be selected […]

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Inside the Media Mind of Kelly Jackson Higgins: A Black Hat Deep Dive

If you’re in the cybersecurity industry, odds are you’ve spent some time looking into next week’s Black Hat conference. What are the must-see talks? What topics will be most prevalent throughout the week of the show? Look no further, Inside the Media Minds has you covered. In this very special episode of the podcast, our […]

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Cybersecurity Conferences 2018 – It’s Black Hat and DEF CON Time

It’s summer time! Maybe you have fond memories of going to camp – or at least of watching summer camp movies. Who says the fun is just for kids? Amidst the “dog days” of August, thousands of otherwise sane adults descend on Las Vegas (average daytime temperature: 103 degrees) for two of the hottest cybersecurity […]

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Inside the Mind of Naomi Eide: CIO/CISO Challenges, RSA and 2018 Hot Topics

Naomi Eide, Editor at CIO Dive, joined the team on this week’s episode of “Inside the Media Minds” for a 360-degree conversation on the cybersecurity landscape and her personal journey to a career in journalism. Here is a small glimpse into our conversation: Eide opens up about her views on technology as an overhyped and […]

RSA 2018: Back to Basics?

With RSA Conference 2018, the world’s largest cybersecurity gathering, just wrapped up, people are asking me about this year’s big conference take-away. Past RSA events have often seen one or two blockbuster storylines dominate the show. This year that wasn’t the case. In the absence of major news or distractions, what I did hear instead […]

6 Ways to Transform a Static PR Campaign

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) When bringing in a New Year, it’s common to conduct self-assessments: As a professional, you may evaluate what endeavors within the last 12 months have worked well, and how to improve upon them. In the PR industry, making improvements isn’t really about undergoing dramatic overhauls. It’s […]

Weisel & Kliner Appointed to Local Tech Boards

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) We are pleased to announce that Evan Weisel, co-founder and principal, has been re-named to the Northern Virginia Technology Council’s (NVTC) board of directors as the public relations advisor.  Additionally, Jayna Kliner, vice president, is serving her second consecutive term with the Women in Technology’s (WIT) […]

Revealing the “New Realities of PR”

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Like so many marketing niches, the PR industry is transforming itself with new platforms and mediums. This allows practitioners to reach and deliver messages to target audiences like never before, taking advantage of integrated campaigns using traditional PR, social media, content development and thought leadership. So […]