How to Avoid Event-Planning Mistakes

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) The world of public relations is evolving from standard practices – the usual press release writing and media relations – to a full communications consultancy model that includes activities like event planning. We’re now preparing to stage the 5th annual Run! Geek! Run! 8K  on Sept. 15 this year. It’s one example of […]

How to Break Away from Your Competitors

(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Given Sunday’s Super Bowl, we’ll start with a football story: When a new offensive coach joined the Raiders during their NFL glory years in the 1980s, he said during a film session, “We need to take what the competition’s defense will give us.” Al Davis, the team’s late, […]

Why D.C. is Great for Women Entrepreneurs

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Let’s hear it for the women in technology of the greater Washington D.C. area! Much of the buzz at last week’s Potomac Techwire Statup Outlook 2012 (#StartOut) event focused on a definitive trend: That women are increasingly finding their footing in the startup scene. It’s no […]

How to Pitch Reporters in the Digital Age

(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) What’s the best way to really connect with a reporter? If you attended the recent W2 Communications-hosted event, “Social Media & the Press: How to Build Lasting Relationships,” you’d walk away with a great deal of valuable insight. Here’s what leading journalists taking part had to […]

How to Extend the D.C. Tech “Ecosystem”

(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Nothing brings out the greater Washington D.C. tech crowd like an event featuring titans of IT investment. Which is why more than 300 attendees recently packed the Ritz Carlton in McLean, Va., to hear top venture capital “heavy-hitters” give their opinions about the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem […]

Five Minutes With … Joyson Cherian on Rapid Response

(If you liked this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) When news is breaking — whether a nasty virus is taking down major websites, a new regulatory initiative is proposed or any other kind of major developments surface involving the technology industry — whom does the industry/national press seek out for expert commentary? These thought leaders […]

Growing Up with Steve Jobs

(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” -‑ Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford University, 2005 With […]

How to Master Social Media Conversations

(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) If you want to stay on top of social-media developments – especially with respect to how these sites can contribute value to your bottom line – then you need to dial into the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC). The NVTC’s highly active social-media committee recently hosted […]

A ‘Great Place to Work?’… Hey, We Already Knew That!

(If you liked the blog, please share it. Thanks!) Earlier this year I wrote about the importance of a positive workplace culture. How it not only cultivates a good, professional environment, but it inspires people to show up and produce their best. W2 Communications remains a stand-out example of this on many levels, I wrote. […]

Run! Geek! Run! Nets Significant Contribution for Equal Footing

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Thanks to the hard work of the Equal Footing Foundation, a long list of corporate donors and (most appreciatively) the 600 runners who took part, our recent Run! Geek! Run! 8K event raised $14,000 for Equal Footing. Equal Footing seeks to increase access to computer learning […]