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Unique research and findings serve as a critical component for many tech companies, especially those within the cybersecurity sub-sector. In fact, our cybersecurity clients often set up dedicated teams for studies, to discover and report on new network threats, industry trends, vulnerabilities and more. The subsequent, original insights demonstrate cutting edge technology and thought leadership. This frequently results in highly valued news coverage to further showcase our clients’ work and expertise, distinguishing them from the competition.
At our high-tech PR firm, we work with our clients so they get the most PR value out of their reports. As part of these efforts, we’ve put together the following checklist of recommendations to ensure that papers are both relevant and newsworthy:
Deliver fresh data. The report should present findings that have never been released before, so journalists will recognize that it is unique and original. “News,” after all, is about something that is “new.” While historic data can be helpful, it’s not considered relevant in the current news cycle and should be viewed as more of a “trend story” or “context” resource.
Include captivating visuals. Visuals or screenshots of findings and related evidence help paint the picture and provide validation. Images also give reporters “illustrated takeaways” for their articles. What’s more, they’re a proven traffic driver: Nearly seven-of-ten executives said data visualizations are likely to draw them into reading a piece of content, according to research from Quartz. Other top traffic generators include charts (as cited by 52 percent of executives), photos (52 percent), maps (35 percent), interactive features (28 percent) and videos (27 percent).
Establish an actionable perspective. Offer an opinion, to explain (in the case of a cybersecurity report, for example) how the findings can impact organizations’ overall information assurance. Readers need to clearly understand how the insights can improve their business operations.
It’s critical for research papers to address these points to gain PR traction and media attention. At W2 Communications, we help our clients integrate their research and findings into an overall PR strategy. If you’d like to learn more about these and additional services we offer, then please contact us.
Christine Blake is an Account Supervisor with W2 Communications.