Cubeville at W2 Communications

Reflections on Our Early Careers and Tips from the W2 Communications Team for Spring 2019 Graduates

As the class of 2019 prepares for graduation and to begin their careers within the integrated communications field, some of W2 Communications’ most recent graduates reflect on their careers up to this point and share their recommendations.

Bailey Weber, Research Coordinator:
Throughout my first few months at W2 Communications, I learned that paying attention to detail is essential for success. How you accomplish a task is just as important as getting it done. Ensure that information is accurate – whether it is a date in an internal email or a line on a client status report. Being attentive, asking the right questions and staying organized will help you avoid mistakes and work efficiently. By paying attention to details, you can build your personal brand credibility.

Tip: A good way to get in the habit of paying attention to details is to double check for consistency. Look at the formatting — are the fonts, colors and bullet points consistent throughout your work?


Savannah Young, Media Associate:
In my first year working out of college at W2 Communications, I learned the importance of being proactive and taking initiative in your own career. There’s no longer a syllabus that outlines when assignments are due or suggests additional reading. At work, you have to figure out how you can contribute and how to manage yourself. Being proactive means anticipating what might happen, planning ahead and jumping at opportunities. Responding promptly, prioritizing tasks, foreseeing road blocks and building your skills are all ways to be proactive. People who are proactive are the ones who go above and beyond their basic duties, and they are the ones who inevitably perform better and get noticed.

Tip: Ask questions, be curious and show enthusiasm – being proactive is key.


Martha Marshall, Media Associate:
During my first year with W2 Communications, I’ve learned that having strong time management skills is crucial in keeping up with workloads. As you begin your workday, you’ll receive assignments that you weren’t necessarily prepared for with everything else on your plate – but knowing how to properly manage your time will help with knowing what to tackle first. Developing this skillset will also help with creating and keeping deadlines, along with setting goals and meeting them. A day in the life of a public relations professional is full of fire drills, but knowing how to properly manage your time will be key in keeping your head above water!

Tip: It always helps to make a schedule or a to-do list, so that you can see what your workload looks like and which assignments you should prioritize over others.


Nick Michael, Media Associate:
Over the past year at W2 Communications I’ve learned that staying relaxed in this industry is essential if you want to have longevity. Clients will be demanding. Crises will occur. Unexpected variables are par for the course in this business. How one reacts to these monkey wrenches will define not only their character, but their ability and potential. It is very easy to fall down the rabbit hole of believing your PR job is stressful, but you will soon realize that you are very privileged to be a part of this industry. Don’t take missteps or mistakes as indicators of your potential, but as stepping stones to becoming the person you want to be. If something goes wrong, be objective and focused in response. Emotion clouds judgment and logic, there is no place for it when making decisions in this field.

Tip: Toughen up! You’ve made it this far in life, there is no reason for you to crumble under the daily pressures of public relations.