(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Given Sunday’s Super Bowl, we’ll start with a football story: When a new offensive coach joined the Raiders during their NFL glory years in the 1980s, he said during a film session, “We need to take what the competition’s defense will give us.” Al Davis, the team’s late, […]
Why D.C. is Great for Women Entrepreneurs
(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Let’s hear it for the women in technology of the greater Washington D.C. area! Much of the buzz at last week’s Potomac Techwire Statup Outlook 2012 (#StartOut) event focused on a definitive trend: That women are increasingly finding their footing in the startup scene. It’s no […]
Five Minutes With…Kelly Harman on Women in Tech
(If you liked this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) Women account for just one-quarter of all science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) positions – even though they hold one-half of all overall jobs in the economy. What are the best ways to level this playing field? It starts with education at an early age, says Kelly […]
Google+: Boom or Bust?
(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) A few weeks ago, our hi tech PR agency completed an email migration to Google, which I’m incredibly excited about. Now, I can use all of those helpful Google features for work, such as Google Docs, Google Reader and Gchat. Then I remembered a little something […]
How to Pitch Reporters in the Digital Age
(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) What’s the best way to really connect with a reporter? If you attended the recent W2 Communications-hosted event, “Social Media & the Press: How to Build Lasting Relationships,” you’d walk away with a great deal of valuable insight. Here’s what leading journalists taking part had to […]
How to Extend the D.C. Tech “Ecosystem”
(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Nothing brings out the greater Washington D.C. tech crowd like an event featuring titans of IT investment. Which is why more than 300 attendees recently packed the Ritz Carlton in McLean, Va., to hear top venture capital “heavy-hitters” give their opinions about the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem […]
Five Minutes With…Stan Soloway on “Nickle and Dime” Fed Acquisitions
(If you liked this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) Federal agency decision makers are tasked to acquire systems and services at the best price. But this approach fails to recognize the greater value of these potential acquisitions. As a result, innovation gets lost in a “price shootout” scenario, according to Stan Soloway, president/CEO of the […]
Five Minutes With … Gary Shapiro on the Spectrum
(If you liked this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) Smart phones use 20 times the data of traditional devices and tablets use considerably more – all of which is taking a toll on spectrum resources. In this installment of “Five Minutes With …,” Consumer Electronics Association President/CEO Gary Shapiro reveals that the situation will grow […]
How Social Media Ensures Event Success
(If you liked this blog, please share it. Thanks!) What is the last business event you went to? Did you get an invitation in the mail? Not likely. There’s hardly an event that’s not promoted these days through social media channels, and there are good reasons for this. At W2 Communications, we recognize the value […]
Five Minutes With … Joyson Cherian on Rapid Response
(If you liked this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) When news is breaking — whether a nasty virus is taking down major websites, a new regulatory initiative is proposed or any other kind of major developments surface involving the technology industry — whom does the industry/national press seek out for expert commentary? These thought leaders […]