(This is the second of a two-part blog on the impact and value of survey content for clients. If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) In my last blog, I weighed in on how a well-conceived and executed survey can position your clients to go far beyond simply getting “into the news.” This kind […]
How to Host a Successful Media Roundtable
We’ve weighed in extensively on this blog about the value of full-services PR/communications, how the industry has rapidly shifted to meet the evolving demands of the digital age. With our expertise in marketing campaigns, social media and content marketing generation, we pride ourselves on effectively serving the interests of clients through a wide variety of […]
5 Ways to Ensure Your Content Delivers
(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) My colleague, Chris Leach, recently weighed in with a “New Year”-themed column about the need for self-assessment, and how PR professionals should always remember that a winning client campaign doesn’t require a complete deconstruction of prior practices in light of change. Instead, he wrote, agency teams […]
6 Ways to Transform a Static PR Campaign
(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) When bringing in a New Year, it’s common to conduct self-assessments: As a professional, you may evaluate what endeavors within the last 12 months have worked well, and how to improve upon them. In the PR industry, making improvements isn’t really about undergoing dramatic overhauls. It’s […]
Run! Geek! Run! Breaks (Another) Record!
(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) This year’s Run! Geek! Run! was all about setting records – and, in this case, we’re not talking about speed ones. Our high-tech PR agency team at W2 Communications is proud to announce that we’ve given our biggest check ever to the Equal Footing Foundation: $20,000, […]
3 Key Conversations about IT Security
(This is the second of a two-part blog from W2 Communications Vice President Tom Resau, who has spent his career developing and executing PR/communications campaigns for leading information security companies. If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) In my last blog, I described what I call today’s “Age of Data Breach Enlightenment.” Organizations […]
Another Successful Run! Geek! Run!
(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) With 700 signed up, this year’s Run! Geek! Run! set records for participation — and should do the same in raising funds for the Equal Footing Foundation. They came wearing running club T-shirts and company logos. One group of fun-loving participants even dressed up like Albert […]
Why Companies are Smarter about IT Security
(This is the first of a two-part blog from W2 Communications Vice President Tom Resau, who has spent his career developing and executing PR/communications campaigns for leading information security companies. If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) If you’re a security vendor with a great track record of customer successes, you want to get […]
The Biggest Mistake in Sharing Content
(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) What happened to my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn feeds? Instead of text-based updates from work colleagues/associates, friends and family, my pages are filled with images, videos, screen captures, e-cards and quotes. Not that my social-media circle is generating all of this content on its own. Instead, people are posting what other […]
How to Get the Most from Social Media
(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Organizations are still struggling with social media: They realize it’s great for customer connectivity/response and brand recognition/loyalty. But they face difficulties in establishing effective policies and procedures that ensure that employees are sending the right messages out there. For evidence, look no further than the world […]