Avoiding the ‘7 Sins’ of Content Marketing

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Despite all of the ‘science’ that gets tossed out there about content marketing – such as proven techniques to get optimal SEO, ROI on content spend, etc. – we’re still talking about a pretty subjective practice here. Which means different perspectives will shape the final effort. […]

“Pin” Your Way to Customer Engagement

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Most organizations recognize the value of establishing a presence on at least one social-media platform today for marketing purposes. However, sites such as Pinterest and Instagram remain somewhat of a mystery. They’re occasionally dismissed as the domain of teens and other social-media junkies. But it would be a […]

When News Breaks: 5 Tips for Rapid Response

In a recent blog, W2Comm’s Tony Welz wrote about how an effective rapid response strategy plays a key role for many of our clients. At our high-tech PR agency, we stay on top of news which breaks early and often. In positioning our client executives as Thought Leaders, it’s important to get them out in […]

Key Journalism Skills for Content Marketing

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) As posted here previously, I recently contributed this Content Marketing Institute piece about the growing trend of recruiting former journalists to help execute brand-content promotion. Many of these ex-reporters are hired on a contractual, freelance basis, and others – like me – do it fulltime. Either […]

Essential Steps of a Thought Leadership Plan

(The following is the second of a two-part blog on Thought Leadership PR/communications campaigns. If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) To create impactful brand messaging in a lasting, meaningful way, we must aim high. In today’s media environment, this means elevating your clients to the level of Thought Leader. So how do you […]

Driving Value into a Thought Leadership Plan

(The following is the first of a two-part blog on Thought Leadership PR/communications campaigns. If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) To emerge as an in-demand Thought Leader within the IT industry, it’s essential to communicate the unique value proposition that your company brings to its niche. Blazing a path toward distinguished innovation, after […]

Mesh News

VALOR Video Wins Two Telly Awards

W2 Communications is pleased to announce our show opening video “VALOR” has won two Telly awards. This video was created for the Loudoun Chamber Valor Awards, and donated to the citizens of Loudoun County in honor of our heroes. See the video here:

How to Land Your Brand on “Center Stage”

(This is the second of a two-part blog about creating brand distinction. If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) In Part I of this blog, I extended kudos to Security Experts founder Winn Schwartau, who stirred much discussion with a controversial recent column on the RSA Conference. Aside from citing the inappropriateness of […]

How Marketing Fails during “Prime Time”

(This is the first of a two-part blog about creating brand distinction. If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Security Experts founder Winn Schwartau stirred much discussion earlier this year with a controversy-charged column on the RSA Conference. Now, it isn’t often that a respected leader such as Schwartau inspires such a lively debate […]

Is Your Company Ready for Aggressive PR?

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Technology companies are super-charged to push forward with new and dynamic ways to innovate and connect with customers. Passive organizations need not apply. If they did, they wouldn’t survive. Given this reality, our high tech PR agency frequently meets with clients who typically express the need […]