Kathy Stershic

Vice President, Messaging, Research & Content Marketing, General Manager, GovBoost

Kathy brings decades of experience working in IT research and communications. Known for her ability to bring focus and alignment to complex environments, she has worked with many IT organizations in the private and public sectors, from industry giants and large agencies to midsize and start-up organizations.

As a senior advisor and communicator, she works with clients to help them seek, organize and translate complex information and thought leadership, then persuasively convey it to the audiences they need to engage— internal, external or both. She has extensive experience working with executives, global work teams, partners and affiliates in both mature Western economies and emerging markets.

She previously served in analyst and leadership roles for technology-centric consultancies, working in marketing research and communication strategy for high tech clients. Earlier in her career, she was a staff member for several fast growth Silicon Valley software and hardware companies. She served as President of the Silicon Valley chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators, and as Vice President of Research for the American Marketing Association’s San Francisco and Silicon Valley chapters.

Kathy holds a Bachelors Degree from Rutgers University and a Master of International Policy and Practice degree from The George Washington University, with a concentration in technology policy. She resides in Northern Virginia.