How to Host a Successful Media Roundtable 2022

With our expertise in digital marketing campaigns, content marketing, multimedia and other services, we pride ourselves on effectively serving the interests of clients through a wide variety of forms – videos, web design, social media, public relations, blogs, white papers, trade-press executive bylines, case studies, podcasts, webinars, speaking opportunities, press interviews and more – to establish competitive distinction for these clients and promote their key executives as Thought Leaders.

Given this, here’s another format we like that effectively leverages our clients’ expertise: the roundtable (or panel) discussion.

This discussion may refer to an online meeting of the minds, or the various “Meet the Press” and other events we’ve helped organize as part of our CYBERTACOS events and Inside the Media Minds podcasts. To best benefit clients, however, we’ve conducted roundtables with high-profile media outlets to engage their readers/users with a thoughtful exchange.

The primary goal of the roundtable/panel discussion is to position the client at the forefront of a driving, industry topic. Not to sell a product or service. But to showcase that client as a respected authority on issues that matter, exchanging views with other Thought Leaders. We’ll arrange for vendors, analysts and customers/end users to take part, so a complete picture is presented. During the session, participants may convey contrasting perspectives and that’s more than fine. This will still advance the conversation and help readers better understand the challenges they’re facing. And, of course, shed light on how the client can address these challenges.

Assembling this kind of panel and making it work involves much planning and foresight. Here’s what I’ve found are essential steps to take:

Seek to educate. Every participant is going to have an agenda. That’s completely understandable. But you will fail to engage readers/users if you allow individual agendas to take over the event. Make sure all parties are on board with the priorities: Educate first. Promote second. That goes for the clients too.

Align all interests and experiences. The vetting of participants to verify that their backgrounds are a good match remains key. They can’t come to the table with the intention of discussing completely disconnected topic points. As you evaluate candidates, review their LinkedIn bios. Read what they’ve put out there in blogs, industry-press byliners, conference presentations, white papers or even Tweets. Before “locking in” on your first choices, inquire with them directly about the ground they’d like to cover, and get a clear sense of how much they’d have to offer.

Practice makes perfect. It’s not only allowable, but recommended, to conduct a practice session with the client, along with other participants if they’re available to do so. Think of all the questions that a moderator could ask, so there are no surprises during the “real thing.” Help them refine answers, but not to the point where they sound stilted and/or “over rehearsed.”

As with the many other communications/content projects we take on here at our high-tech PR firm, the roundtable/panel event presents a win-win opportunity – for the media outlet, the reader and the participants. But any success will vastly depend upon the work you put into it upfront.

Then, by the time the event takes place, you’ll have helped create what everyone seeks: an enjoyable, informative conversation featuring smart people who are more than happy to share their wisdom and educate the audience. If you’d like to know more about how we can help you stage one of these events – as well as support your business strategies through our wide range of services offered – please contact us.

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