This Week in Government Tech Media – September 6, 2024

In today’s edition of “This Week in Government Tech Media,” we look at the trending coverage in the following areas:

  • News from the Billington Cybersecurity Summit
  • Other cybersecurity headlines
  • Cloud coverage

The Billington Cybersecurity Summit

Today marks the final day of the annual Billington Cybersecurity Summit in Washington, D.C. And accordingly, there has been plenty of federal cybersecurity news breaking this week. FedScoop’s Caroline Nihill reported from the conference on Federal CIO Clare Martorana’s update on the progress federal agencies are making toward achieving their zero trust objectives by the end of this month. John Curran also covered Martorana’s discussion for MeriTalk, and David DiMolfetta had the story for Nextgov/FCW.

DiMolfetta also reported from the conference on Deputy National Cyber Director for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technology Anne Neuberger’s observations around the slow adoption of a White House initiative offering small rural hospitals free and low-cost private sector cybersecurity resources. Neuberger expressed hope more hospitals would sign on over time.

Also reporting from the Billington Summit, Lisbeth Perez from MeriTalk published a piece on remarks by Maj. Gen. Lorna Mahlock, commander of the Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF) at the U.S. Cyber Command, about the drastic increase in the number of missions deploying the command’s cyber force this year. 

In other Cyber Command news from the Summit, Tim Starks of CyberScoop reported that commander Gen. Timothy Haugh is satisfied with the special budget powers granted by Congress that have allowed the command to swiftly accomplish tasks that used to take years.

And Breaking Defense’s Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. reported on a presentation by Clint Watts, a former Army officer and FBI agent now with Microsoft, on how new AI tools are failing in U.S. adversaries’ efforts to spread misinformation in the U.S.

Other Cybersecurity Headlines

Elsewhere on the cybersecurity front, there were several reports on the White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director announcement of a new hiring sprint for the nearly half a million cyber jobs across the U.S. Justin Doubleday shared the news on Federal News Network; Natalie Alms had the story for Nextgov/FCW; and Grace Dille reported for MeriTalk.

We also saw several articles on election security this week. DiMolfetta shared the news with Nextgov/FCW readers on the Justice Department’s indictment accusing Russia of a disinformation campaign targeting U.S. voters ahead of November’s presidential election. 

Cloud Coverage

Lots of action related to cloud adoption and security in the federal government was covered by the media this week. Kimberly Underwood of SIGNAL Media published an article on a statement from Air Force Lt. Gen. Robert Skinner, director of the Defense Information Systems Agency, on the success of the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) multivendor, enterprise-wide cloud services contract. JWCC is close to reaching $1 billion dollars in task orders, Skinner said. Anastasia Obis also shared the news on Federal News Network.

In other cloud news, Ross Wilkers of Washington Technology wrote about the General Services Administration’s progress on its new governmentwide cloud computing program known as Ascend. Also, in Nextgov/FCW, Edward Graham noted the CIA’s push to quickly adopt AI capabilities into its cloud environment. And MeriTalk’s Weslan Hansen reported on the National Labor Relations Board’s move to modernize its cloud-based case management system.

We’ll continue to keep you posted each week on what’s trending in government tech media. See you next week!