w2 communications marcom telly awards

W2 Communications Wins 13 International MarCom Awards

Exciting news – W2 Communications won multiple 2018 International MarCom Awards! This is the second consecutive year the company received this recognition across multiple categories. These awards recognize our team’s excellence in marketing, design and communications — acknowledging the creativity, hard work and generosity of our employees. We are once again honored to be selected […]

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The Evolution of Professional Social Media

Hello, world! Do you remember the first time you created a social media account? For many of us, it was in the mid-early 2000s, on a platform like MySpace, or if you were really hip, one of those newfangled platforms called “Twitter” or “Facebook”. Regardless of which platform you signed into, it’s likely you weren’t […]

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Cybersecurity Conferences 2018 – It’s Black Hat and DEF CON Time

It’s summer time! Maybe you have fond memories of going to camp – or at least of watching summer camp movies. Who says the fun is just for kids? Amidst the “dog days” of August, thousands of otherwise sane adults descend on Las Vegas (average daytime temperature: 103 degrees) for two of the hottest cybersecurity […]

Inside Baseball: How IT Transforms How Reporters Work

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) We get all kinds of interesting visitors here at our high-tech PR firm. Some of them, in fact, are journalists who have – on the surface – little to do with IT. But that would be a misimpression. Because if you’re a working reporter, the latest in […]

The Biggest Mistake in Sharing Content

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) What happened to my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn feeds? Instead of text-based updates from work colleagues/associates, friends and family, my pages are filled with images, videos, screen captures, e-cards and quotes. Not that my social-media circle is generating all of this content on its own. Instead, people are posting what other […]

How to Get the Most from Social Media

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Organizations are still struggling with social media: They realize it’s great for customer connectivity/response and brand recognition/loyalty. But they face difficulties in establishing effective policies and procedures that ensure that employees are sending the right messages out there. For evidence, look no further than the world […]

Five Minutes With … Chris Foss on Why Companies Fail at Online Marketing

Today’s organizations need a bigger-picture focus when it comes to online marketing strategies. Companies invest heavily into advertising and communications for off-line efforts, while the digital side gets relatively snubbed. For success in today’s environment, online marketing must fully integrate into the entire scope of business planning. Such foresight will ultimately result in your online […]

Five Minutes With … Shashi Bellamkonda on the Future of Social Media

   (If you like this podcast, please share it. Thanks!) Over the next three to five years, what will distinguish the companies that maximize value from blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and those that don’t? Much of this will boil down to the effectiveness of content curation and company ambassadorship, according to social-media expert Shashi Bellamkonda […]

How Social Media is Shrinking the Globe

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) Thanks to technology, it really is a small world after all. “Small” as in über-connected. At first, ARPANET-based email developments and then Tim Berners-Lee’s hypertext breakthroughs made it possible to reach virtually any information or person with a machine and a mouse. Social media has further […]

Biggest Myths about the “New PR Realities”

(If you like this blog, please share it. Thanks!) As indicated on our blog, I recently spoke at the Mid-Atlantic Marketing Summit(@MAMSummit) last week as part of a panel discussion on the “new realities” of PR. Here’s my take on the topic: The contention that a wave of “new realities” are transforming the very essence […]