Avoiding the ‘7 Sins’ of Content Marketing

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Despite all of the ‘science’ that gets tossed out there about content marketing – such as proven techniques to get optimal SEO, ROI on content spend, etc. – we’re still talking about a pretty subjective practice here. Which means different perspectives will shape the final effort. And this can occasionally lead to a “push me/pull me” effect in the agency/client relationship.

Fortunately for our high-tech PR firm, that relationship remains an engaging, creative one that ultimately benefits the product. But, in networking with other brand content professionals, I hear many stories about the formidable challenges they face in dealing with that uniquely difficult client. With this in mind, a number of content-marketing specialists shared their stories with me for my latest piece for the esteemed Content Marketing Institute (CMI).

In fact, the CMI editor, Jodi Harris, and I opted to have some fun with this by giving the topic a “Seven Sins that Derail Content Marketing Success” theme, each “sin” illustrating one of the challenge categories. However, as with any successful content effort, we sought to provide solutions for every highlighted issue. For that, I’d like to thank all of the content folks who shared their insights with me.

Ultimately, it’s about taking a “total pro” approach to the development of blogs, white papers, podcasts, industry press executive byliners, etc. Content marketers must always keep two key drivers foremost in mind for every project: the client’s intended message, and the target audience. This is what we do every day here. If that sounds like something you and your company has been looking for, then please contact us. Meanwhile, feel free to let me know if there are any “sins” I’ve missed. Who knows? Maybe the feedback will result in a follow-up blog


Dennis McCafferty is Director of Content for W2 Communications.