Media relations 2020

Choose your Own Adventure—Breaking into Top Tier Business Media

We get the question all the time – what can we do to get [name reporter]’s attention? And the answer is never an easy one, especially in cybersecurity, where most reporters are tasked with following the day’s news, which often centers around breaches, government actions and other sensitive topics. I’ve also heard from friends in […]

This Week in Government Tech Media – March 21, 2025

This week saw a wave of news on executive orders from the White House related to security, resilience and procurement. While the updates are just beginning to trickle in, coverage in the government technology media points to potentially significant impacts resulting from these actions. Here’s a roundup of what they’ve written on these and other […]

Gov & Beyond logo with mic

Going Gov & Beyond with Amy Kluber, GovCIO Media & Research

Amy Kluber, editor in chief at GovCIO Media & Research, oversees a broad array of her company’s activities, ranging from traditional editorial content to multiple podcasts as well as events like workshops and webinars. All of these endeavors are unified through a common purpose of encouraging collaboration within the government technology community. On this episode […]

Ingredients to Client-Agency Relationship Success

Recently, my colleague Jennifer Leggio posted a blog that highlighted some of the reasons why your marketing agency may not be living up to your expectations. In this blog, I highlight some of the components that agencies need from our clients in order for everyone to succeed. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some […]

This Week in Government Tech Media – March 14, 2025

The government tech media continues its close coverage of the Trump administration’s push to cut spending on programs seen as wasteful or unnecessary. As you might imagine, the loss of so many government workers as well as the termination of many government programs has led to concerns about cybersecurity and other critical government functions. As […]

This Week in Government Tech Media – March 7, 2025

The last few weeks saw the government tech media focused on the Trump administration’s moves to cut what it deems government waste. This week saw the focus shift, at least somewhat, to what is happening within the other branches of government. Here’s a roundup of the week’s news from the legislative and judiciary branches: Action […]

Why Your Marketing Agency is Failing

If you’re a marketing or other business leader with marketing and strategic communications oversight, I’d bet a good sum that three to four reasons related to your agency’s activity drifted through your head when you saw this headline. And those reasons could very well be true, but the primary reason why agencies struggle goes back […]

This Week in Government Tech Media – February 28, 2025

The Trump administration this week continued its quest to identify and cut what it views as wasteful government spending. Amid new executive orders, policy memos and contract cancellations, the government tech media covered the new developments: Cuts to Contracts, Personnel Agencies across government were ordered to cut their workforces and to review and potentially cancel […]

Navigating Uncertain Waters for Public Sector Communications 

To say there is change and uncertainty in Washington right now is an understatement. We are in exceptional times. With many clients asking for our guidance on the right approach to communications during this transitional period, we are offering some thoughts on what we believe is the best course of action. First and foremost, don’t […]

Inside the Media Minds podcast featured image

Inside the Media Mind of Nate Nelson, Dark Reading

On this episode of Inside the Media Minds, our co-hosts Christine Blake and Madison Farabaugh talked with Nate Nelson, Reporter at Dark Reading and fellow podcaster. During the conversation, they discuss the start of Nate’s podcasting career writing for Malicious Life and the start of his journalism career at Threatpost, before finding his way to […]