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Going Gov & Beyond with Amy Kluber, GovCIO Media & Research

Amy Kluber, editor in chief at GovCIO Media & Research, oversees a broad array of her company’s activities, ranging from traditional editorial content to multiple podcasts as well as events like workshops and webinars. All of these endeavors are unified through a common purpose of encouraging collaboration within the government technology community. On this episode […]

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Going Gov & Beyond with Rachel Jewett & Jeff Hill, Via Satellite

Rachel Jewett, senior managing editor at Via Satellite, and Jeff Hill, executive editor for Via Satellite and chairman of the SATELLITE Conference and Exhibition, are among the leading authorities on the growing space space/satellite market. Over the years both have been working at the publication, they’ve documented the explosive growth in the market and the […]

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Going Gov & Beyond with Nick Wakeman and Ross Wilkers, Washington Technology

Nick Wakeman, editor in chief for Washington Technology, and Ross Wilkers, senior staff reporter for Washington Technology (WT), arguably know more about the federal government technology contracting community than anyone else. Nick has covered federal government IT trends for nearly 30 years, while Ross has been a leading reporter for the publication since 2017. The […]

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Going Gov & Beyond with Troy Schneider, Billington CyberSecurity

Troy Schneider, executive vice president and general manager at Billington CyberSecurity, has been at the forefront of news and influence in the public sector technology space for more than three decades. Schneider served as the editor-in-chief at Federal Computer Week and Government Computer News and later as editor at large with GovExec. Now at Billington […]